The Chamber serves as the connection between the business and the residential community. We are an association of businesses and professionals dedicated to the principles of private enterprise and a competitive market economy. Our mission is to work together with businesses and individuals to strengthen Perry County’s economy and assure your opportunity to increase your profits. By utilizing the benefits available to members only, a business gains plentiful opportunities to gain the competitive edge. For a nominal investment, a member has the opportunity to gain new business contacts, instant credibility, member-to member-discounts, leadership development, community commitment, referrals, publicity or exposure, marketing and advertising, a healthy economy and be a partner in promoting a voice in business.
The Chamber…
Links people of the entire community together in common enterprise, and makes possible great public and business forwarded movements.
Is the gauge of a civic enterprise, prosperity and ambitions and reflects the combined wishes of our community.
Pays a high rate of interest in community service, personal contacts, community betterment, and civic pride.
Is an institution that is accomplishing great good for our community at a time when concerted action means more than ever.
Unifies the public spirit of our community and directs it into useful and constructive channels.
Is a catalyst, a common vehicle through which businesses and people work together for the common good of the community-a better community means better business conditions and we work for a better community for everyone.
When you invest in the Perry County Chamber of Commerce, you are making an investment in your community. You make good things happen in our community.
The Chamber also…
Answers your Mail, replying to inquiries about the area, our businesses, and you. We are the front door to our community.
Is your spokesperson, constantly referring our businesses to people both visiting and new to the area, as well as locals looking for goods and services.
Is your business agent, servicing local businesses and industries, conducting surveys and studies, and helping create more payroll dollars in the community.
Is your sales representative, selling our community, your products, and your services to people everywhere.
Is your Training agent, presenting seminars and workshops on subjects of concern and interest to businesses.
Is your information bureau, furnishing you up-to-date data to help you conduct business.
Multiplies your effectiveness in the community, providing structure, volunteer leadership, professional staff, and a full time office operation to implement an effective program to meet the needs of a growing community.
Advertising & Marketing Benefits
Telephone and in-office referrals
Broadcast email to all members
Ability to publish "Hot Deals" on our Website, Social Media outlets
Find your next great employee by posting your company job openings to all our outlets
Publish your event on our Website, Social Media, and Mobile App to get word out new customers!
An opportunity to display your business cards in the Chamber office
Listing in the premier www.theperrychamber.com website
URL and map link on your business directory listing
Sponsorship opportunities for the Chambers Programs and Events ranging from $50-$5,000
Hosting opportunities for Board of Director Meetings, Grand Opening Ceremonies and Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies.
Opportunities to serve on Chamber Action Committees that plan community events, help shape the future of business, tourism, and economic development, and much more
Have your voice heard, your opinions discussed, and turn ideas into action
Volunteer opportunities to enrich not only your life, but also the community as a whole
The Perry County Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to improving the economic climate in Perry County, by giving businesses the tools they need to grow, encouraging entrepreneurship, and promoting an active community. When you get involved in your community, you feel invested in its future. That’s why it’s so important to invest in the Chamber of Commerce. We look forward to serving you, and serving our community with you...It’s Just Our Nature!
Allyson Dickey
Rita Baker
Lead Administrative Volunteer